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Santander, South Cebu.

Settled on the very south tip of Cebu, Santander is the nearest spot to Negros Orientel.

Because the chanel between the two Islands is narrow , the currents are almost stronger, the water cooler and the visibility better here. You might find a diverent fauna as in the rest of Cebu.

Dive at night and you will find almost spanish dancers. If the current ist strong watch out for the most colorful soft corals in high numbers. Hole in the wall is allways full with schooling fishes. There is also lots and lots of macro stuff. From blue ribbon eel to rare nudibranches. A place to go for easy diving by easy diving dive shop located at Eden Resort.

View from Eden Resort to Negros Orientel

Yellow Stripe Scade

Hole in the wall


Giant Frogfish

Squid at night

Spanish Dancer at night

Leafe Scorpionfish

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